From white deer to bald eagles, there’s always plenty of wildlife out and about here in Vilas County. Lucky for us, some of you had your phones or cameras handy when you spotted these furry (or feathered) friends in the Northwoods of Wisconsin. Here are some of our fans’ best wildlife photos.
(Top photo: Keep your eyes peeled around Boulder Junction for the area’s famous white deer – Photo: Angela A.)
Bald eagles are a frequent sight in the Northwoods. (Photo: Terry R.)
Making friends on Oxbow Lake. (Photo: Sean D.)
A prickly pal seen along County Highway B (Photo: Kevin C.)
Feeding time in St. Germain (Photo: Heather G.)
Keep your ears (and eyes) open for loons on the Northwoods’ lakes. (Photo: Jim S.)
That’s a strange-looking bird… (Photo: Carolyn V.)